Video: Creating a Dynamic Marketing Brochure With MergeOS | MergeOS

Video: Creating a Dynamic Marketing Brochure With MergeOS

If you want to draw more attention to your products and business, take the time to learn how to create a dynamic marketing brochure with MergeOS. Included is a video showing how we created our own dynamic brochure for our new examples page.

If you want your business to get noticed and draw more attention to your products, then you must invest more time and energy into your marketing strategy. One component you should be sure to include is creating a brochure that highlights the benefits of what you’re selling.

Digital and dynamic brochures are known to produce positive results in marketing. Marketing brochures are one of the most effective and versatile marketing tools you can use to inform customers of your services or products. They’re typically simple to produce, cost-effective, and easy to distribute.

A well-designed brochure is necessary for this day and age. Without it, you’re missing out on a large segment of customers and may be missing out on potential sales. Product brochures are useful for many reasons and should be an essential component of your marketing strategy. In this article we talk about how you could create a dynamic marketing brochure with MergeOS and the benefits of doing so for your business. At the end of the article is a short (15 minute) video I made showing the exact steps taken to create our dynamic marketing brochure (which you can check out on  our example page). 

Benefits of Creating A Brochure for Your Product

There are several benefits of creating a brochure for your product. One advantage of creating a marketing brochure is that it can expand your company’s visibility. You can also use it to relay core ideas, introduce new products or services, or explain existing products or services in greater detail. They’re an excellent and useful tool to use when you need to reach out to new customers. It’s a vital piece of literature that a potential customer can have with them so they can learn more about your products and services. A few benefits of creating and having a brochure for your product include:

  • A well-designed brochure serves as a perfect introduction to your business.
  • When accurately distributed, brochures can expand your company’s visibility.
  • Brochures are great marketing tools when reaching out to new customers.
  • Brochures can provide positive press about your company.
  • Brochures are perfect for trade shows and networking opportunities.

Brochures are easy to distribute, and once you have a template you like, you can repurpose the content for other products or services. They’re a cost-effective way to market your business and build trust with your current and potential customers. When done right, they hold a lot of valuable and useful information that will catch the attention of your readers. You can easily personalize them to your business and what you’re selling and use them to establish your business’s authority. 

How Product Brochures are Useful

Marketing brochures help companies market their products or services. They are best when you have someone interested, who wants to know more before buying. Many customers want to feel confident when they buy from you, and a brochure gives you the chance to say more about your company and build that confidence. They can be especially useful for small and emerging businesses that are on a tight budget but need to capture the attention of potential customers. A dynamic marketing brochure allows you to be more even more selective about the language you’re using, so that it resonates with your intended audience. A marketing brochure provides a longer duration of exposure to your brand versus using an advertisement and using a dynamic brochure allows you to accurately target and respond to the specific needs of your clients. Professional and eye-catching brochure designs with high-quality aspects and features add credibility, authenticity, and dignity to a brand. As a business owner, they’re going to save you time and money and allow you to get in front of a broad audience of prospects and customers.

Elements of A Good Brochure Design

It’s essential to keep your brochure simple and to the point, so you should know and plan your purpose before you start. Avoid a lot of paragraphs of text and break it up with visuals. You also want to ensure that you’re using your brochure to send out a positive message about your company – one that will inspire and motivate people to want to use your products and services. Start by including a brief introduction about you and your company to draw customers into what you’re saying. Make it clear exactly what services you provide and what your company does, so there is no gray area. Without a doubt, include contact information in your brochure so that potential customers can get in touch with you. It’s a wise idea to incorporate your website address, email, and telephone number where they can reach you. Although the basics may be obvious to you, they may not be to someone who’s unfamiliar with your company.

You want to command attention with the first page so that your readers are interested in continuing to read the brochure content. Be selective about what text you include and make sure that it’s written in a clear and concise manner. Use simple statements and put your readers first so that you get the copy right. If you have customer testimonials, you should add these to the brochure too.

Using Dynamic Content to Highly Target

A brochure needs to be produced with a precise objective and a target reader in mind if it’s going to be a success. Start by identifying the target audience for your brochure design, and then create thoughtful and targeted messaging that will get your company noticed. A poorly designed brochure can be a real turn off and can tarnish your reputation. You need a brochure that sends out the exact message you want. Using dynamic content to highly target your message to your intended audience is your best bet for achieving success with this project. If you’re getting positive results from your current brochure and design, then consider repurposing it for different products. You can effortlessly do this by using dynamic content and creating your brochure using MergeOS.

Creating Your Brochure Using MergeOS

MergeOS automatically generates documents from your data, using an MS Word template to format the final document and an MS Excel document to do calculations or generate charts from your data. It will then automatically email recipients the generated document or store the file in your account (or both). The power that Excel brings to non-programmers in millions of businesses across the world is the reason it's so ubiquitous. It's also the reason behind one of the core features in MergeOS – to use Excel as a calculation engine and Word as a content engine to automate your documents.

The process for creating a dynamic product brochures in MergeOS is fairly simple and should take you less than 30 minutes, depending on the number of pages and dynamic text. The video below shows an how we created our dynamic brochure from our example page. We used variables to show the customers name, and dynamically displays different text depending on the industry chosen. Your goal when creating a dynamic brochure with MergeOS is to clearly communicate with clients or persuade prospects to become a client. Making a brochure with dynamic content based on the recipient’s business or role in the business can give you better outcomes because it's more highly targeted and custom. 


You should now feel more prepared than ever to get started creating a dynamic marketing brochure with MergeOS. There are countless benefits to focusing your efforts on creating this type of marketing material for your company and products. Be sure to track the amount of interest and clients you gain from your dynamic marketing brochures so you can see for yourself what a difference it’s making to your business. Be sure to read our support articles which go into detail on each of the steps seen in the video. This is just one of the ways you could use MergeOS to make your business more efficient, and I hope it helps get the creating juices flowing and gives you more ideas for automating the documents in your business.
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